Last night just before midnight, Bekah and Jeremy pulled into my driveway after journeying 16 hours from Springfield, IL. Jere has been living in LA for the past two months, and now Bekah is following. Despite the fact that they could only stay until 4:00 this afternoon, we had the most wonderful day- from start to finish.

Exploring in the mountains, ice cream in Centennial, lunch at a vegetarian restaurant, B&J introducing me to Farkle, me introducing them to Bananagrams.

Whenever Bekah and I are together, life is good. As we spent today making more memories to add to our list, I couldn't help but look at that beautiful girl and think about all that all that she has done in my life. Six years ago I met this shy, strange girl on my first day of college. If you had told me that she would become the best friend I have ever had, I would have laughed at you. When freshman year ended and I wanted to transfer to a school in Vermont, the main reason I chose to stay at Asbury was Bekah. When I was aching from a broken heart and wanted nothing more than to curl up and cry, Bekah was there to hold me. When I felt a call on my heart to reach out to the orphans of China, it only made sense that God had already placed Bekah in my life. When my family moved from the only home I had ever known, Bekah was there to support me and cover me with love. And today, as I struggle with finding community and true deep friendship, there was Bekah. With me in Laramie, WY.

As I look back on our six years of friendship, I praise God. HE placed this girl in my life, and continues to bless me through her daily presence. I am thankful.

I love you.